The Dog Days of Dieting

A blog about me and my journey towards getting healthier in both mind and body, spirit and soul. The highs, the lows and everything else that is meant to be.


All photos that appear on this blog are courtesy of Google or Bing or my own.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Today has been a good day.  I got up at a decent hour and managed to stay awake even though I could have definately have had a nap after lunch.  Stuck to the diet pretty well today making decent choices.  Getting my water in.  Did keep busy for most of the day doing housework.  Actually I had developed at least 10 goals for myself to accomplish and I actually did (Yay me!)  Even managed to cook and eat dinner before I left for my evening job.  And at the moment there's no real work related stress that's bugging my aura.  However I do have the most wonderful co-worker.  She's sweet and baked me some Christmas goodies and left them behind in the fridge for me.  My mind is going nuts knowing that they're there.  And they smell divine.  One of the things Ali Vincent says in her book is that you should tell as many people as you can that you're on a diet/changing your life and this is one of those times when this thought is indeed a good one.  I have not been sharing too much of this with anyone.  So far I'm being good and resisting the temptation.  I'm drinking more water,  Eating my evening snacks and journalling in my food journal.  Soon I'll have to come up with 10 more goals for tomorrow.  One of them for sure will get the pedometer to work.  It kept falling off my rim of my pants and at one point reset itself for some reason so I don't have an accurate calculation of how many steps I took today.

Weight today:  242lbs (home scale)

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